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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ford's 21st Century Model-T Contest Winners Announced

Ford Model-T ContestIn celebration of the Model T's 100th anniversary, Ford challenged students at six universities from around the world to create a modern day Tin Lizzie that is simple, lightweight, practical and priced below $7,000. The winners of the competition were the student teams from Aachen University in Cologne, Germany and Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia, which each earned their schools $25,000 in scholarship funds. -Continued

The other universities that participated in the four-month competition were Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, Calif.; Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Mich.; University of Michigan-Dearborn, and West Philadelphia High School, Philadelphia, Pa.

Ford Model-T ContestThe students from Germany's Aachen University created the “2015 Ford Model T” concept made of a basic structure that would be available in various derivatives including a compact pick-up, a sedan, and a mini city car. The students supported that the vehicle’s steel body was designed in a simple way and as a result, most of the car could be built using standard tools.

Ford Model-T ContestAustralia's Deakin University students created a more impressive-looking three-wheel concept car code named Model T2 that featured a novel steering system and compressed air rotary hub motors.

Ford Model-T Contest

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