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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Update: Hertz Corvette Driver Says he wasn’t at Fault

A couple of weeks ago we posted an article on a rental Hertz Corvette ZHZ that slammed into the sidewalls of a restaurant in Dallas -see here. Based on what Fox News had reported then, we said that the driver lost control of the vehicle. Today however, the driver of the Vette, Joey, left us a comment in our post explaining that he didn’t simply “loose control of the vehicle” but was rammed from behind by a Ford F-150 that ran a stop sign. Well, it’s only fair that we let Joey explain the accident himself:

"According to the media, I “lost control of my vehicle” trying to avoid a wreck. In reality, a Ford F150 ran a stop sign trying to shoot across Lemmon and caught the tail end of my vehicle. I noticed we were going to collide just prior to impact and accelerated trying to get the hell out of the way. Clearly, that was unsuccessful. The truck came barrelling into my backend, knocking me into a crazy (thinking: “this is gonna hurt like hell”) spin — across oncoming traffic — and somehow landing backwards under the patio at La Madeleine on Lemmon Avenue."

Link: Resistednormalcy

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