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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vanity Fair Launches “Stick Shift - The Gay Car Blog”

As you might have noticed in our title, Vanity Fair’s new weekly auto column is a “blog for gay cars”. And while everyone may have his own opinion of what makes a car queer, here’s what Vanity Fair’s blogger Brett Berk believes: “A car’s gayness—like gayness in general -is based in its inhabiting the margins of conventionality. A Gay Car is quirkier, more enigmatic, or more fiercely accessorized than the average vehicle. It also likes to sleep with other Gay Cars.” If it weren’t for the last part, we would have sworn that VF’s blogger was talking about a Bangle designed BMW…

If you want our opinion, the whole “Gay Car” thing is as “gay” as when people attempt to give human-like attributes to an animal. A car is a car, a piece of machinery sometimes designed and built with love and passion, sometimes just for profit, other times for speed and handling, most of the times to transfer people from point A to point B. There’s nothing straight or gay about that.

Link: Vanity Fair

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