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Friday, December 1, 2006

Chrysler pulls out Jalopnik’s Youtube videos

There’s been a little “tift” between the guys at Chrysler and the guys at Jalopnik over a gag ad they retrieved from a Chrysler internal source. The ad contained various profane language and a little humor that was meant to be enjoyed only by the Chrysler people. Now wasn’t that selfish of them? Didn’t anyone teach Chrysler that secrets don’t make friends!

Now as bloggers ourselves, we can’t help but comment on the situation. We probably would have done the same thing all in the name of a little chuckle. Ray Wert, from Jalopnik, responded to the removal in a posting stating that Chryslers executives have "gone so far as to head on over to YouTube like a petulant child asking them 'Mommy, make Jalopnik stop running leaks they get from the Tech Center!”

Chrysler probably should have just left it alone because like our friend John Neff at Autoblog said, Chrysler seemed cool for about 15 minutes “for being involved in an ad with swearing and other entirely unairable content.” On the other hand, if it continued to air we’re sure this one would send the conservatives trading in their Sebrings for a Crown Vic with a Christ Loves Me sticker on it. And Chrysler wouldn’t want that, would they?

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